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Entries for the ‘Attack Methodologies’ Category

Google Hacking and Buffer Overflow Attacks: In the News

Recently I spotted a piece of news about a type of network attack combining techniques we have discussed in recent articles involving Google Hacking and Buffer Overflow Attack . The incident, according to Forbes News1 involves “using Google searches to track down sites vulnerable to so-called ‘SQL injections’.” Essentially, the hackers use Google to hunt […]

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Buffer Overflow: How does it happen?

Buffer Overflow refers to what happens when an area of a program’s code is overwritten with new code using the technique of inputting data longer than the length expected when the program asks for input. This creates an overflow in the program’s buffer system, and causes the program to react negatively − sometimes even resulting […]

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DNS Root Servers’ Attack: Is it possible?

The Domain Name System (DNS) relies on a hierarchical database system. At the top of this system sit thirteen root servers with names following the format, where the letter ranges from A to M. Many people mistakenly assume that there are only 13 root servers in the world. In fact, each root server notation […]

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DNS – Domain name system security issues

Domain Name System (DNS) is the magical ability of Internet hosts to translate the machine-readable IP address numbers like to something meaningful to humans, like A sophisticated hierarchical database system in the Internet is required to accomplish this task. One of the core components of that system is the DNS server, which serves […]

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Frequency Analysis – An attack making use of known language pattern of the plaintext

One information that is truly important when conducting Cryptographic Attack, it is: the nature of the plaintext. Is it a sentence of a particular language? or is it of some software code? If we know the fundamental nature of the plaintext, then our code breaking job could be a bit easier. If it is of […]

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